In English

 Visiting Theatre Bulgarian Army you visit the ideal center of the ancient city of Serdica. Nowadays this is down town Sofia with its historical monuments and government buildings. The theatre itself embraces two halls. A main hall with 500 seats and a basement hall with 60 seats.

Theatre Bulgarian Army has retained its former name, but is a repertoire theatre managed by the Ministry of Culture. Its current poster includes 15 spectacular shows. The company members are famous theatre and film stars. The modern interpretation of classic and contemporary drama is part of the theatre’s artistic ambitions. It includes coming to stage of new authors and plays. The performances are in the spectrum of different genre forms and stylistic approaches. The audience could attend a classical drama, a modern dance, commedia dell arte improvisations or a thriller of interactive dialogue between actors and audience.

In its 50 years of recorded history the Theatre has toured with its best performances the scenes of Germany, Russia, Mexico, Spain, France, Israel, Macedonia, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland and the United States. The Theatre has participated in the Festival of Classic Spanish Drama in Almagro, Spain, the Festival of Avignon, France, the biennale New Drama from Europe in Bonn, Germany, the International Olympiad in Moscow, the International festival of Tel-Aviv, the Theatre fest “Ohrid summer” in Macedonia. The audiences of those festivals are the fens of the Bulgarian theatre and drama.

In 1990 Theatre Bulgarian Army has established the theatre awards “Askeer”. The title is ironic, but not the awards. They are considered the most prestigious in Bulgaria. On the eve of May 24th which is a national holiday of Bulgarian culture at a grand ceremony the nominees are awarded.

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19.30 ч. "Глас"
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